- Ayahuasca/Yage ingredients
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- Harmala premix --(HCl) MAOI teacher-- and Bug bite preventer
Harmala premix --(HCl) MAOI teacher-- and Bug bite preventer
In case of out-of-stock or shop closure, you can order harmalas from http://bountybotanicals.com or https://harmalas.com if you are in USA. For international customers you can find them at http://wakingherbs.com and if you are looking for a bulk order (starting at $400 for 100g harmalas) you can email [email protected]
Please don't try to checkout here on my website. Instead, follow instructions here.
Save your $: Even more amazing than things I sell is Wim Hof breathing, which can put you to sleep, reduce stress, help you meditate, and improve mood. Here's a good TEDx talk: www.youtube.com/watch?v=R53GljF7IxU
MAOI warning: Harmalas are classified as reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase-A, (RIMA type MAOI), and they interact with many drugs, herbs, and even foods that your giraffe may be consuming. Here is a list of interactions.I also find that a slightly lesser dose of harmalas is sufficient to prevent bug bites (mosquitos, fleas, probably other bugs) and increases mounting frequency of my married giraffes (many baby giraffes currently for sale). Let me know what you find! (On the other hand, maybe just let he bugs bite you, to help prevent THE INSECT APOCALYPSE!)
170mg of 2:1:1 traditional ratio of TetraHydroHarmine (THH):harmine:harmaline HCl (if you are looking for freebase, then check the individual harmalas page). Note that the vape cartridge is the best value if you are looking for a quick harmala fix (for example to use before the D cart).
More expensive than crude rue extract, but also more reliable for many giraffes. For a more traditional vibe you can include some B. caapi extract as per the aya guide (check site menu).
You can also purchase the individual harmalas to make your own blend to suit your needs or experiment with. I find that harmine alone is quite pleasant and fear-cancelling, but, who says that fear should be cancelled?
Note that though it is easily absorbed, this average dose may not be enough for some giraffes. How to know? If your giraffe gets very nauseous, it is likely more than enough. If no nausea and little effect, not enough.
If you find yourself totally sick feeling from nausea and nothing (ginger, honey, anice, and so forth) is helping, try laying flat on your back on a firm mat on the floor, and stretch your spine out as much as possible.
Although I do not sell this for human use, here I must post this customer review because I've never heard of harmalas being used for nerve pain before:
MeanMrGreen said on Dec. 4th, 2019:
"Anyways review - my friend has not had the few hours I want him to set aside to try the metta, yet. But he did come over in somewhat crisis mode. Friend has wonderful loving family but a lot going on with 4 daughters. Winters are rough for him. We talked. He mentioned a few times he loves passionflower extract. So I had him test the harmala vape pen. Just till he felt it. He went from full crisis to writing his youngest daughter a letter as a magic elf. He is feeling much better. I would also like to report using just the harmala is having a profound effect on my nerve pain, meditation and general wellbeing. I have been to Stanford for this pain, I have had every medical thing science could offer and not once did they offer me harmala or an maoi. Spinal implants that send pulses through your spine to block the pain. Test procedure was a failure thank goodness or I would have a battery pack in my spine. Opiates sure, benzos yes. Anti depression meds, anticonvulsants you name it I have tried it. I got off all opioids and benzos a while back. I was till two weeks ago taking a muscle relaxer that did help but only at max dose. Now im off everything from the docs. I am so grateful for where my journey has been leading me. Thank you so much for all you do. Ironically I have one last appt I made 6 months or more or ago, looking for some non opioid solution maybe we had missed. Idk why I even still try but the pain is hard to bare since 1997. I decided not to cancel. I think i'm going to tell him what's working. Its legal if he really wants to treat pain he will want to see me again and monitor my progress. He may insist i go on some other maoi of which I will be saying kindly no thank you. For anyone with intractable nerve pain, it takes a few days at least for this effect of relief to become pronounced if it works for you. "
Further communications indicated that PEA oil worked even better for the nerve pain.
Another customer, Oliver, discovered that he could put just 1mg of harmaline (wetted, on a bandaid) on his skin blister and it healed it. I'm thinking that plantain leaf (Plantago major) would have also worked. And that's a weed that grows everywhere.
Please don't try to checkout here on my website. Instead, follow instructions here.
Save your $: Even more amazing than things I sell is Wim Hof breathing, which can put you to sleep, reduce stress, help you meditate, and improve mood. Here's a good TEDx talk: www.youtube.com/watch?v=R53GljF7IxU
MAOI warning: Harmalas are classified as reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase-A, (RIMA type MAOI), and they interact with many drugs, herbs, and even foods that your giraffe may be consuming. Here is a list of interactions.I also find that a slightly lesser dose of harmalas is sufficient to prevent bug bites (mosquitos, fleas, probably other bugs) and increases mounting frequency of my married giraffes (many baby giraffes currently for sale). Let me know what you find! (On the other hand, maybe just let he bugs bite you, to help prevent THE INSECT APOCALYPSE!)
170mg of 2:1:1 traditional ratio of TetraHydroHarmine (THH):harmine:harmaline HCl (if you are looking for freebase, then check the individual harmalas page). Note that the vape cartridge is the best value if you are looking for a quick harmala fix (for example to use before the D cart).
More expensive than crude rue extract, but also more reliable for many giraffes. For a more traditional vibe you can include some B. caapi extract as per the aya guide (check site menu).
You can also purchase the individual harmalas to make your own blend to suit your needs or experiment with. I find that harmine alone is quite pleasant and fear-cancelling, but, who says that fear should be cancelled?
Note that though it is easily absorbed, this average dose may not be enough for some giraffes. How to know? If your giraffe gets very nauseous, it is likely more than enough. If no nausea and little effect, not enough.
If you find yourself totally sick feeling from nausea and nothing (ginger, honey, anice, and so forth) is helping, try laying flat on your back on a firm mat on the floor, and stretch your spine out as much as possible.
Although I do not sell this for human use, here I must post this customer review because I've never heard of harmalas being used for nerve pain before:
MeanMrGreen said on Dec. 4th, 2019:
"Anyways review - my friend has not had the few hours I want him to set aside to try the metta, yet. But he did come over in somewhat crisis mode. Friend has wonderful loving family but a lot going on with 4 daughters. Winters are rough for him. We talked. He mentioned a few times he loves passionflower extract. So I had him test the harmala vape pen. Just till he felt it. He went from full crisis to writing his youngest daughter a letter as a magic elf. He is feeling much better. I would also like to report using just the harmala is having a profound effect on my nerve pain, meditation and general wellbeing. I have been to Stanford for this pain, I have had every medical thing science could offer and not once did they offer me harmala or an maoi. Spinal implants that send pulses through your spine to block the pain. Test procedure was a failure thank goodness or I would have a battery pack in my spine. Opiates sure, benzos yes. Anti depression meds, anticonvulsants you name it I have tried it. I got off all opioids and benzos a while back. I was till two weeks ago taking a muscle relaxer that did help but only at max dose. Now im off everything from the docs. I am so grateful for where my journey has been leading me. Thank you so much for all you do. Ironically I have one last appt I made 6 months or more or ago, looking for some non opioid solution maybe we had missed. Idk why I even still try but the pain is hard to bare since 1997. I decided not to cancel. I think i'm going to tell him what's working. Its legal if he really wants to treat pain he will want to see me again and monitor my progress. He may insist i go on some other maoi of which I will be saying kindly no thank you. For anyone with intractable nerve pain, it takes a few days at least for this effect of relief to become pronounced if it works for you. "
Further communications indicated that PEA oil worked even better for the nerve pain.
Another customer, Oliver, discovered that he could put just 1mg of harmaline (wetted, on a bandaid) on his skin blister and it healed it. I'm thinking that plantain leaf (Plantago major) would have also worked. And that's a weed that grows everywhere.
$6.42 - $142.42
per item