San Pedro+Torch Cactus & more
Note: in case of out-of-stock, site closure, you can buy from domestic USA sites like, or, and if you just wish to purchase bulk Pedro+Torch chips, contact James McNee in Peru, whatsapp: +51933529087, but keep in mind that customs will often seize packages from Peru.
15g of this San Pedro + Peruvian Torch is a medium dose for an average, 12 foot tall giraffe. Predosing with Rhodiola rosea (a weak MAOi herb) can double the potency for some giraffes.
This powder is made from an unknown mix of the green flesh of Trichocereus pachanoi (San Pedro) and Trichocereus peruvianus from Peru. (Except for the stronger hiku powder.)
I've been selling this just as San Pedro for some time until recently discovering it contained some amount of P. torch as well. The Peruvians don't make much distinction in the markets down there and they tend to call everything San Pedro.
Not for human consumption.
P.S. If the label mentions nopal, that's just a wrong label, but if you actually want to get the super healthy Nopal cactus pads or fruits (prickly pears) you can email my friend Cory: [email protected] as he wild-harvests them in Texas.