This is insane! How can this be happening? Only like 6 months after Metta+NMT discovery, now I've discovered ANOTHER amazing and very similar love drug in mimosa that is definitely a different substance with a different neurocircuit involved, but the same heart chakra opening effect.
I added info to my Nexus post regarding how to extract it.
Just to warn y'all that a friend recently reported to me that his friend was arrested after receiving 2kg Mimosa hostilis from the Netherlands. I guess they did not find any type of illegal stuff in his house, so his charges may be getting dropped.
Also, there is a youtube video by a clearly wonderful and brilliant man who had a side hustle on pre-ban eBay as a Mimosa hostilis vendor, importing from Brazil. Various Federal SWAT agents came into his home with machine guns pointed at his wife and children while he was at work. He is facing 2 years in prison, but despite coercive tactics, he is choosing to fight the charges. And a reminder: domestic USPS packages cannot be inspected without a warrant. I just discovered palmitoylethanolamide (PEA). It basically is already in your body but we don't get enough in our diets. It is not very bioavailable ordinarily, but I fried a bit of it (500mg) in red palm oil. Mixed with black pepper, and consumed. It balances and lifts the mood (not quite a "high") as well as helping with all the things that marijuana helps with like pain, inflammation, seizures, and so forth:
This is something all natural you can give yourself & your kids which nobody will raise an eyebrow at, and I think probably more effective than most other supplements for mood. Also, it will keep folks away from weed, because weed doesn't seem to do anything when you supplement with PEA (based on a small clinical study with myself as the only participant). Try this out and let me know what you think! I sell it cheaper than you can find it on Amazon, and I also have it already premixed with virgin African red palm oil & black pepper. |
July 2020