![]() So, most people including myself would consider me sane (until I explain to them how we don't exist). But recently I got my DNA results back from SelfDecode.com, and it seems that there is only one graph they think it worthy to present in my main Dashboard... which is pretty alarming. Is it possible my ex-wife was correct about me? That I was the insane one? Really beginning to wonder now! ... ... .. .. Guess I should check myself in to be evaluated. ... .. .. Then a friend texts back and says "Hey I don't think you read the small print at the bottom of that graph." .. .. .. .. Oh. Why would they put a graph on my dashboard that has nothing to do with me? .. So I'm NOT insane.?..?.... But then I realized that a hallmark OF schizophrenia is delusions of reference. The TV is talking to you? The example data is about your DNA? ... .. .. So that means I AM insane after all...
Please don't click here if you are a Bible lover... unless you are able to laugh at anything: Jim Jefferies doing his skit, "God is drunk at a party."
If you're wondering how illogical the human race is, this is one interesting piece of evidence. We apparently did not evolve to think logically (altho if you read the comments, some are arguing that the illogical answers had some type of logic to them).
Thankfully there are some humans who can think better than us. One of them, Eliezer Yudkowsky, writes this really extremely interesting blog called LessWrong. Check out this post he has on the Conjunction Fallacy. He also has some really good explanations of quantum mechanics which I've never seen elsewhere. Question for you. How well do you know your mom? Your dad?
Fairly well? Have you ever suspected that one of them may have been a banana? It sounds crazy, but according to GetScience.com, humans share around 60% of our DNA with bananas. Further complicating matters is that we also share 60% of our DNA with fruit flies. Now, perhaps you didn't take a stats class in college? But luckily for you, I did, so let me interpret these results quickly. Essentially, what we're saying here is that almost certainly one of your parents was a banana. And the other one was a fruit fly. Which completely explains the attraction they had for each other. So what does that make you? You are the product of a fruit fly eating a banana. That product would be called fruit fly feces. So technically, according to the best science we have to date, you and I (but mainly you) are nothing more than the poop of a fruit fly. How does that feel? Are you feeling a bit less self-important now? Atheists are more powerful than God, but they are going to probably go to hell, for no reason.11/24/2019 Hilarious argument on quora about God's omnipotence.
If God can do anything, can he make a rock so heavy he himself cannot lift it? Matt Wayne, Lead Apologist (2010-present) A rock would have to be infinitely large to defeat an infinite amount of lifting power. But an infinite rock is a contradiction since material objects cannot be infinite. Only God is infinite. There cannot be two infinities. So the question is actually asking if God can make a contradiction, which He cannot since it would be against His nature, which is pure logic. This question was only asked in order to ‘’trip up’’ Christians. However, it is the theist who trips on their own illogical nonsense. JR:Maybe a better question: what would cause God to decide to make or not make such a rock? Matt Wayne Original Author Nothing because He has no interest in playing atheists games. One can accept Jesus Christ and have their sins washed away and receive eternal life, or go to Hell. We were all going there after the fall, God came to save us from this fate. It is a choice and asking stupid questions, playing mind games and mental ‘’traps’’ won’t change the choice. Hell or heaven…one must choose. JR: So, nothing caused God to make the decision. Yet he made it, because he doesn’t play atheist games. Damn, you got my head spinning, Matt! To me it sounds like something did cause him to make the decision then: the fact that he wanted to show that he doesn’t play atheist games. And in some way, that means that atheists are MORE POWERFUL than Almighty God, because he just goes nuts, doing things for NO REASON just to piss off us logically-minded atheists. The sad part is that us atheists are going to Hell because of how much we have angered God with our logic. And what is the reason God chooses to send us to eternal hell fire and torment? “No reason!” Blink182 is contracted by U.S. military to study alien technology from crashed UFO... FOR REAL!11/24/2019 This is not a joke! Truth is now DEFINITELY stranger than fiction!!!
It's all over the news media. Here's one article from Army Times: https://www.armytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2019/10/25/army-partners-with-former-blink-182-founders-ufo-research-company-to-study-alien-technology/ Indian govt employee declares himself reincarnation of Vishnu, skips work to go to '5th dimension'6/12/2019 This dude (see article) sounds like he obviously did not have right view. A lot of people like to poo-poo the idea of right view, but let's be clear on what happens when we do that. This is what happens. Insanity. Buddha(s) found the right view and gave it to us. Now each of us has the job to verify it for ourselves to rid ourselves of insanity. Btw, although Buddha did not seem to teach us to "laugh at our mind" -- I have found this to be particularly helpful for me anyway, and probably for most people who maybe are not as serious about enlightenment as Buddha or his monks. In other words, lay people with families that they love passionately. Yes, Buddha, the family will go away and it is all just suffering, but let's forget that for a bit so we can enjoy and help each other slowly get to the goal of no self (this is more like Mahayana philosophy). Anyways, I think maybe the funniest quote I ever heard might be: "If you don't sin, then Jesus died for nothing." Please. Do not take that to mean you should sin. I am so sad that there are people that will take it that way. It's a joke. "One joke I always liked was about the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac who stayed up all night wondering if there was a Dog." |
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